Features: ■ Designed for daily home healthcare and clinique ■ Light weight and portable size ■ 1.8" 160x128 TFT display, led backlight. ■ Simple operation and rapid test. ■ Basically analyse and state explain. ■ Provide rate-volume and volume-time waveform used for diagnosing to doctor ■ Inner flash memery for data storage, and the storage data can be uploaded to computers. (used USB or wireless manners) ■ Power capacity indication and automatic power off in 1 minute. Specifications: ■ Max volume: 10L ■ Flow range: 1L/s~16L/s ■ Volume accuracy: ±3% or 0.05L(whichever is greater) ■ Flow accuracy: ±10% or 0.3L/s(whichever is greater) ■ Battery:built-in lithium battery (DC 3.7V) ■ Dimension:97mm(L) × 89mm(W)× 36mm(H) ■ Netweight: 150g
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+ 995 32 296 92 15
+ 995 0322 91 07 37 info@unimedi.ge
Neonatal critical care ventilator Fabian+ nCPAP Acutronic (შვეიცAwareness Chemistry analyzers Stat Fax 4500+
© 2016 LTD Unimedi
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თბილისი, შალვა გოგიძის № 1
+995 32 296 92 15
+995 32 291 07 37