Main Features ■Integrated with SpO2 probe and processing display module ■Small in volume、light in weight and convenient in carrying ■Operation of the product is simple ,low power consumption ■SpO2 value display ■Pulse rate value display, bar graph display ■Low-voltage indication: low-voltage indicator appears before working abnormally which is due to low-voltage ■Automatically power off function: when the device is under the state of measuring interface . it will automatically power off within 5 seconds if the finger falls out of probe Main performance Display Mode: LED display SpO2 Measuring Range: 0%~100%(the resolution is 1%) Accuracy: 70%~100%: ±2% ,Below 70% unspecified. PR Measuring Range: 30bpm~250bpm (the resolution is 1bpm)
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და სახარჯი მასალები
თბილისი, შალვა გოგიძის № 1
+ 995 32 296 92 15
+ 995 0322 91 07 37
Double channel syringe BYZ-810T Beyond (China)Awareness EIA analyzers Stat Fax 4200
© 2016 LTD Unimedi
სამედიცინო აპარატურა და სახარჯი მასალების გაყიდვა
თბილისი, შალვა გოგიძის № 1
+995 32 296 92 15
+995 32 291 07 37