LED and XHL Xenon halogen technology
The HEINE Classic+® F.O. Laryngoscope range combines HEINE HiLite® fi ber optic
bundles with the latest HEINE LED and XHL Xenon Halogen Technology for HEINE F.O.
Laryngoscope Handles to provide an excellent system.
With this innovative illumination technology HEINE F.O. Laryngoscopes are now further
ahead of conventional F.O. blades and handles than ever.
The HEINE HiLite® fiber optic bundle with a diameter up to 100 % larger has not only
excellent light transmission, but is also autoclavable to an unprecedented extent.
Complete compatibility The versatile HEINE range of handles offers the right alternative for almost any combination: Laryngoscope handles with and without charge status display,
various handle diameters and lengths, with 2.5 V batteries, 3.5 V NiMH or Lithium
batteries together with the new NT 300 charger.
5 year warranty for blades (4000 standard autoclave cycles of 134° C / 5 min.
with more than 1000 lux.)
HEINE products excel through fi ne workmanship and quality materials. This allows
HEINE to give a 5 year warranty on all handles and blades with HEINE HiLite® fiber
optics bundles.
HEINE F.O. Laryngoscope Blades and Handles are conform to the ISO 7376 (green Standard)