LED light innovative tecnology: this new source of compact light provides many advantages:
- LED do not emit infrared rays so that the light generated is completely cold
- LED do not emit ultra violet rays
- the life of LED is over 50000 hours (over 25 times than traditional lamp)
- the colour temperature always remain constant
- Every parabola reflects homogeneous white light without showing edges of
colour on the illuminated part
- Low power consumption for a more economic solution (increasing battery autonomy up to 4 hours)
PENTALED 30 (15+15): 2 differents lights
Is a high-tech surgical light with LED technology. Light beams are indirectly reflected through an elliptical parabola to obtain shadowless light. Light can be easily selected through an electronic device to obtain two different colour temperature of 4500°K or 5000°K. Only 30 LEDS for 100 Klux. Optional battery with 4 hours autonomy.
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Italray CLINODIGIT EVO dRFUniclave 99 Vertical Steam Sterilizer 157 litter. A.J. Costai
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+995 32 291 07 37